Borer Control Elvina Bay

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Get The Best Borer Removal Service In Elvina Bay

We Offer Effective And Affordable Borer Control Services In Elvina Bay

Borers are known for damaging wooden objects and for destructing the structural timbers like bearers, joints, roof and tiles. So, if your home has got borer infestation then you will notice some kind of dust and holes which they create for exiting.  These insects can be a lot dangerous for you as they can grow inside the wooden floors and cause irreversible damage to those floors that results in damaging of you complete furniture.  In this article, you will know about the importance of borer control and removal in Elvina Bay. Our team at Pestico Pest Control Elvina Bay is well trained and certified. They can use highly proficient techniques and help you in eradicating pesky borers from your property.

What are harmful effects of having borers in your home?  

These insects are generally called as wood borers who leave in deep wood. Here are some problems and damages which borers can cause to your structures-

  • Borers have a capability to damage timber products in your office or home. They can also destroy structural wooden furniture in your office or home.
  • Borers can damage wooden fittings or furniture.
  • These insects can damage sapwood and hardwood material by making small holes in the wood.
  • These creatures can damage bamboo material that has more starch content. Also, they can destroy wooden material such as oak, ash, walnut mahogany and much more.
  • These insects are usually seen in new offices or homes in articles like doors, frames, panels and plywood.
  • Also, other than damaging urban and rural constructions, these insects also infect tree branches in yards.
  • Moreover, there are some of the borer species which come in hosts and eat rotten wood their food.
  • Also some borer species also eat forestry and agriculture material.
  • Not only this, but borers are also known to destroy wooden logs which are stored by setting in fungal infection which attacks the wood and spoils it thoroughly.
  • Sometimes, these borers can also be a cause behind onset of forest fire.

Do you want a free quote for our borer control services? Connect with us and know everything about our services.

How can you know that you have borer infestation in your home or office?

Here are some things which can help you in determining borer attack in your property-

Notice if you hear some ticking voice-

Young borers usually contribute in digging tunnels amidst wood and timber thus making a tickling voice. So, you need to hear the voice carefully especially during night. Through this voice, you can surely determine whether there is a borer attack in your property.

See whether there are any borer droppings-

Woodworm droppings look like wood dust which you can see outside the borer puncture.

Holes or tunnels in wooden articles-

Tunnels are tiny gaps that are a lot tedious to spot. However, if you see carefully then you can see these small tunnels which indicate towards borer infestation in your home or office.

Also, here are some other likely indications of borer infestation.


Fungus is a byproduct of borer attack on your wood and timber. If you see any fungus on your wooden objects then you might be having borers in your furniture.

Dampness or moisture in your floor-

If you see that your flooring is damp, then there might be a chance of borer infestation in your home or office.

Damaged or fragile look to floorings-

If you see that your flooring have become fragile and damaged, then you might be having borer infestation in your property.

Wood crumbling-

In case you spot wood crumbles scattered near your furniture then there is a chance of having borer attack in your wooden objects.

If you see dead bodies of borers-

In case you see any dead borer insects near your furniture, then you might be having borer attack in your home.

Borer larvae-

Borer larvae have white colour and are known to have a creamy texture. You can easily see them in or around your office or home.

If you see adult worms in or around your window sides-

After maturing, borers go towards light. Thus, you can spot some borer worms on your window sides.

What are the ways of treating borer infestation in Elvina Bay?  

You will have to be careful about certain factors for controlling borers in Elvina Bay.  Here are a few treatments which you can use for treating borer infestation in Elvina Bay.

Spot procedure for eliminating borers-

In this procedure, you will get the most effective solution for dealing with borers in our property. You will have to maintain proper ventilation in order to avoid built up of moisture in wooden objects. Also, you will have to use covers such as  paints, polyurethane and water based sealants that help you in keeping the moisture away from your wooden obejects.

Exterior treatments-

You can use external treatments for controlling and regulating borer infestation in your timber furnitures.

Freezing temperatures treatment-

This is one of the foremost techniques which is used for protecting your furniture which is small in size from borer infestation. In this, you will need to cover your furniture with a plastic wrap and freeze it for about two weeks. Hereafter, you can take it away until it reaches normal temperature. Through this method, you can keep wooden objects away from harmful borers.

So, in case you are going through problems due to borer infestation in your home? Then connect with our experts at Pestico Pest Control Elvina Bay right away and get affordable and efficient borer removal service in Elvina Bay.

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